About ISon
Interactive Sonification is an emerging subfield of sonification and auditory display research. More general information about sonification can be found at sonification.de, and at www.icad.org which is the main community portal for auditory display research.
Interactive Sonification acknowlegdes the importance of human interaction for understanding and using auditory feedback. Interaction allows users to continuously query different “auditory views” of objects (the data being analyzed) which helps to give a more complete overview.
In 2004, we organized the first Interactive Sonification Workshop 2004 (ISon 2004), Bielefeld, Germany, with a very positive resonance within the European community, and a selection of the papers have been reworked into an IEEE Multimedia Special Issue on Interactive Sonification. In order to maximize value for the community we decided to organise ISon Workshops in Europe whenever ICAD is not hosted in Europe. Following this algorithm, we organised the Interactive Sonification Workshop ISon 2007 in York. The prvious ISon workshop was ISon 2010 in April 2010 in Stockholm. The follow-up Springer Journal Special Issue on Interactive Sonification has been published.
- As follow-up to the ISon 2022 we announce a Special Issue on Interactive Sonification, to be published as Springer Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces (JMUI), see JMUI Special Issue – Call for Papers
Past Events
- The interactive Sonification Workshop 2022 will be held on September 22-23 at Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) in Delmenhorst, Bremen, host and main organizer is Dr. Tim Ziemer
- The interactive Sonification Workshop 2019 will now be held as a special session of the NordicSMC, as the organizing committees of ISon and NordicSMC have decided to affiliate the events. That means that the ISon 2019 registration fee is taken away. All workshops, keynotes and sessions are open for participants of both ISon and NordicSMC. In the interest of uniting the conferences, the paper chairs have agreed to an extension with the final deadline being September 22 for full papers at both ISon and NordicSMC.
- The Interactive Sonification Workshop 2019 will take place on 2019-11-18 in Stockholm at KTH.
- The Interactive Sonification Workshop 2019 will take place on December 16th (with a satellite event on the 15th) at CITEC, Bielefeld University, Germany.
- The proceedings of ISon 2013 Interactive Sonification Workshop (ISon 2013) are available online at www.interactive-sonification.org/ISon2013/proceedings
- ISon 2013 took place in Erlangen on December 11th, 2013 – The proceedings are available online at www.interactive-sonification.org/ISon2013/proceedings
- As follow-up to the ISon 2010 we announce a Special Issue on Interactive Sonification, to be published as Springer Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces (JMUI), see JMUI Special Issue – Call for Papers
- Online proceedings of previous ISon Workshops are now available.
- ISon 2010 took place in Stockholm on April 7th, 2010 (with satellite events on the 6th and 8th)
- EU COST Action IC 0601 – Sonic Interaction Design (SID) began in April 2007. Preliminary information is available on our website www.cost-sid.org.
- The Interactive Sonification Workshop 2007, York, organised by Andy Hunt and Thomas Hermann: the workshop day was a great success with lots of interesting presentations. The online proceedings are available.
- The IEEE MultiMedia Special Issue on Interactive Sonification, Eds. Hermann & Hunt, Vol. 12, No. 2, April/June 2005 is available. ( Table of Contents)
- If you cannot see: listen! — Interactive Sonification in Sport Science (German Workshop, 4th Oct. 2004)
- IEEE Multimedia Special Issue Interactive Sonification April 2005 — Call for Papers
- Interactive Sonification Workshop 2004, Bielefeld 2004, organised by Thomas Hermann and Andy Hunt was the first European Event to gather researchers with the particular focus on Interactive Sonification, the emerging and upcoming direction to study tightly closed interaction loops between humans and auditory display systems, enclosing applications, interfaces, theory, evaluation, etc.
- A Workshop Report by Eoin Brazil